Increase PHP file_upload_size on GoDaddy shared Linux hosting

Recently I have run into file load size limitations with GoDaddy accounts. I recommend first trying this great plugin “Increase Upload Max Filesize“. If that doesn’t work there are a number of ways that you can do it through modifying wp-config, .htaccess or .ini files. Following are the methods where I have had success.

GoDaddy has limits on maximums that you can set depending on the type of hosting account you have:

Type Default upload limit Max
cPanel 32 MB No limit
Plesk 10MB 2GB
Web 32 MB 128 MB
Classic 32 MB 64 MB

To find out what type of account you have:

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click Web Hosting.

Your hosting account type displays beneath the domain name:

Label Description
Web Hosting Linux [Operating System] These accounts use our propriety control panel, the Hosting Control Panel, and have a grid-based architecutre. You can get more information about these accounts in Web Hosting Frequently Asked Questions.
Classic Hosting [Operating System] These accounts use our propriety control panel, the Hosting Control Panel, and offer support for some legacy technologies.
cPanel These accounts use cPanel and are only available using Linux.
Plesk These accounts use Plesk and are only available using Windows.
Managed WordPress These accounts have WordPress installed and do not provide access to a control panel.

Following are the instructions for cPanel and Web Hosting accounts to increase your file load maximum once you have determined your account hosting type and the related maximum.

For accounts with Linux Hosting with cPanel:

  1. Login to
  2. Go to Home (GoDaddy Dashboard)
  3. Click on “Select PHP version”
  4. Select a version other than native.
  5. Click “Set as current”
  6. Click “Switch to PHP Settings”
  7. Click the gray setting next to the options that you want to change. Sizes are limited to double the previous size ie 32, 64, 128.

For accounts with Web Hosting Linux:

1. Create php5.ini file:

memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
upload_max_filesize = 128M
file_uploads = On

2. Create phpinfo.php

<? phpinfo(); >

3. Login to

4. Go to Files & FTP tab, Select File Manager

5. Upload both files to root

4. Go to system processes in dashboard

5. Click “End Web”

6. Check phpinfo.php to make sure fields are updated

memory_limit = 128M

upload_max_filesize = 128M

7. Delete phpinfo.php

8. Check WordPress – Select Media > Add New